Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
We guarantee a 100% accurate forecast for relationship prospects
Compatibility assessment
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
We guarantee a 100% accurate forecast for relationship prospects
Compatibility assessment
People don't usually talk openly about their feelings
Not infrequently, we fail to build relationships with a friend, or a colleague, or a special someone, or our children, or a relative. After all, we know nothing about their true thoughts, emotions, and desires

When we meet new people, we sometimes think hopefully, "Here comes the one who will stay with me forever!" But how often was this thought wrong?

How much time did you waste on people who disappeared without a trace?
People don't usually talk openly about their feelings
Not infrequently, we fail to build relationships with a friend, or a colleague, or a special someone, or our children, or a relative. After all, we know nothing about their true thoughts, emotions, and desires

When we meet new people, we sometimes think hopefully, "Here comes the one who will stay with me forever!" But how often was this thought wrong?

How much time did you waste on people who disappeared without a trace?
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
best friends become just acquaintances and cut off all contact
the tension between you and your colleagues increases, as well as your stress level, work ceases to bring pleasure
your child grows up withdrawn, aggressive, instable, and develops bad habits
strained relations with your family members and in-laws last for years
family conflicts and discord persist
At one point life begins to fall down to the ground
all romantic attempts do not go beyond the first date
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
Каждый раздел содержит выводы и рекомендации
best friends become just acquaintances and cut off all contact
the tension between you and your colleagues increases, as well as your stress level, work ceases to bring pleasure
your child grows up withdrawn, aggressive, instable, and develops bad habits
strained relations with your family members and in-laws last for years
family conflicts and discord persist
At one point life begins to fall down to the ground:
all romantic attempts do not go beyond the first date
It is always important to know what a relation with each individual will turn into
both at the beginning of the interaction
and in an ongoing relationship
It is always important to know what a relation with each individual will turn into
both at the beginning of the interaction
and in an ongoing relationship
Voice diagnostics allows you to get into the subconscious of another person in a couple of minutes and find out his or her true hopes, expectations, and views
Voice diagnostics allows you to get into the subconscious of another person in a couple of minutes and find out his or her true hopes, expectations, and views
Temper and behavior patterns
The way your nature opens up while communicating, what would help strengthen your relationship and what would destroy it; how to deal with incompatibility regarding temper and habits; a comparative analysis
Emotional background and interests
How to develop relationships and find common grounds; what exactly the differences will be; what your emotions are and how to direct them for the development of beneficial relationships; how not to give in to negative emotions and work out your feelings; a comparative analysis
Relationship development
The way your relationship will develop; the arguments you may have; true feelings hidden behind the emotions of each person; how you can evoke a variety of feelings in a person; the strengths and weaknesses of each of the two; a comparative analysis
Each section includes conclusions and recommendations
A description of the fastest way to overcome the identified problems in the healthiest way possible
Get to know the real state and prospects of the relationship between the two based on their voice recordings!
Get to know the real state and prospects of the relationship between the two based on their voice recordings!
Compatibility assessment is a description of people's tempers, a forecast for their relationship, and recommendations for solving problems in the following areas:
We provide recommendations on all areas covered
We only need record of voices of each of the two persons
How to record?
We only need record of voices of each of the two persons
How to record?
Sample of diagnostics
Sample of diagnostics
Feedback from clients
from clients

Detailed information on a specific section, conclusions and recommendations on solving the identified problems;
you can order any number of sections
4 000 рублей
Separate sections

detailed information about a person in all 6 sections;
recommendations on solving the identified problems;
save 2, 000 rubles
10 000 рублей
One order for all sections
4 000 рублей
Выводы и рекомендации
по решению проблем
Детальная информация
по конкретному разделу
Можно заказать любое
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Разделы по отдельности
Выводы и рекомендации
по решению проблем
Detailed information on a specific section, conclusions and recommendations on solving the identified problems; you can order any number of sections
2 000 рублей
4 000 рублей
Разделы по отдельности
4 000 рублей
Separate sections
Detailed information about a person in all 6 sections, recommendations on solving the identified problems; save 2, 000 rubles
10 000 рублей
One order for all sections

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